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SBI Connectors, the supplier of the Hornsea One project

SBI Connectors has recently supplied high vol-tage connectors that will be installed in the substa-tion of the Hornsea project in the United Kingdom. The connectors were supplied through the com-pany, Gaeltec Utilities Ltd.

When the Hornsea project is completed, it will re-present the largest offshore wind farm in the world, comprising up to 240 turbines with a capacity of up to 1.2 GW. The site offers an unparalleled wind resource, good climatic conditions and favourable water depths (20-40m).

It will be located 120 km off the Yorkshire coast in an area covering approximately 407 km2. The pro-ject is wholly owned by Dong Energy UK, the world leader in the development and the construction of offshore wind power.